When it comes to purchasing auto insurance, most of us try to get it over with as quickly and painlessly as possible. There is more to choosing auto insurance than…
Halloween is a much-loved fall tradition for kids and adults alike. But irresponsible celebrating can quickly spoil the fun. With Halloween falling on a Saturday this year, more drivers will…
On my way to work on Monday morning, I passed 3 car accidents, and I live less than 15 miles away from work! Monday is usually a hectic day on…
Honda’s brining back the Honda CR-X, sort of. At the 2009 Tokyo Motor show, Honda introduced a new concept car, the Honda CR-Z, a hybrid powered sports coupe. The car…
tweetmeme_style = ‘compact’; Is vehicle theft a thing of the past? Not likely, however, technology is making it harder for auto theft. Auto manufactures are developing more sophisticated anti-theft technology…
Viper Smart Start is a new app that you can download for your iPhone to control your car. With over 75,000 applications for iPhone, including apps for ordering take out, navigating…
Contest – Looking for the funniest bumper sticker, personalized license plate or license plate frame
This contest has expired. Auto Expert wants to challenge you in finding the funniest bumper sticker, personalized plate or license plate frame. Submit your picture of either one (or all…
2010 Green Car of the Year finalists announced, diesels vs. hybrids Last year, Volkswagen’s new Jetta TDI was named the 2009 Green Car of the Year at the LA Auto…
I despise traffic, especially Monday morning traffic. I normally don’t carpool because it seems that the two people I can potentially carpool with have fluctuating schedules, so having 1 car…